
Sign Up for Tutoring at MCC

  • In-Person and Virtual appointments are available by signing up on Navigate.
    • If you are interested in in-person tutoring, the location will be in the Learning Commons.
    • Virtual tutoring will be via Zoom.
  • All tutoring appointments and requests can be made through Navigate. See this downloadable PDF for a list of subjects and tutors:
  • If you cannot find a time that works, please select the “Request Tutoring Appointment” option on the scheduling screen on Navigate. Include as many details as possible. Please note: tutoring requests are not monitored on the weekend.
  • If you have trouble booking an appointment, or need assistance doing so, please contact the Academic Advising Center at MCCAcademicAdvising@ccsnh.edu.

Tips for a Successful Tutoring Session

  • Complete all homework assignments to the best of your ability.
  • Make use of your professor’s office hours.
  • Try to identify any areas of difficulty you are having.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute, see a tutor as soon as you are having trouble, or before.
  • Tutoring is not just for students who are having trouble; it is for anyone who would like some extra help.

What Tutoring Can Do for You

  • Clarify of course material
  • Assist with studying and study skills
  • Reassure you when material seems overwhelming
  • Provide test preparation & test-taking tips

24/7 Online Tutoring

Free tutoring is also available to you 24/7 via computer or mobile device through Brainfuse, a 24/7 virtual tutoring service, which includes live tutoring (not just a text), as well as a Writing Lab, and study guides for TEAS, ELL/ESL students, and a lot of other topics. This is in every Canvas course space so feel free to explore. Find it in Canvas on the left at the bottom 24/7 Tutoring.

Becoming a Tutor at MCC

To start the process of becoming a tutor at MCC, please contact the Tutoring Center at MCCTutoring@ccsnh.edu

Tutor Feedback

If you have feedback you would like to share about your tutor or tutoring experience, you can do so here. Share feedback.