Accessibility Services

Manchester Community College is committed to providing meaningful access to all services at MCC for students with disabilities.

If you have a learning disability, physical disability, medical condition or mental health condition that impacts your learning, you may qualify or an accommodation plan. An example of a possible accommodation is “50% extended time on exams and quizzes”.

Students who feel they may need assistance but do not have a documented disability are strongly encouraged to contact the Accessibility Coordinator to discuss their situation, possible options and referrals.

  • Work with students to create and provide accommodations and supports that are designed around the unique needs of each person. 
  • Provide academic coaching and advocacy.
  • Discuss assistive technology and equipment loans (when available).
  • Provide information and referrals. 

To be eligible for support services, you are required to apply for accommodations through MCC’s process below and engage in an interactive process to create an official MCC Accommodation plan that you will provide to instructors. 

Disclosure to a faculty/staff member or documentation provided to MCC by your previous school or practitioner does not permit accommodation and is not legally binding—an interactive process and plan with MCC’s Accessibility Office must occur. 

Applying for Accommodations at MCC

1) Get started…

Become informed about services at the college-level so you have an idea of what to expect. Please review the Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education, and our Frequently Asked Questions quick guide for helpful information.

2) Get the necessary paperwork in order…

You will fill out the application packet and obtain documentation. Documentation may include an IEP or 504 (most recent is preferable) in addition to more recent testing such as speech-language, visual, auditory, emotional, physical, IQ and academic, etc. High schools often refer to this testing as “3-year evaluations”. IEP’s or 504’s alone are not considered sufficient documentation unless they contain the relevant testing information.

If you did not have an IEP or 504, but see a practitioner for a medical or mental health diagnoses, please fill out the Practitioners’ verification sheet, located at the end of the packet. This must be signed by a licensed professional. Please provide the most recent information you have.

It is your responsibility to contact and coordinate with these resources to access the documentation and pass it in with the packet.

If you have any questions or concerns about documentation, please contact Melissa Olson.

After ALL documents are acquired and the Application for Accommodations packet is filled out, please submit them to Melisa by email, mail or in person (to the Learning Commons, Room 268) or Fax to:

Melissa Olson, M.Ed
Accessibility Coordinator
Manchester Community College
1066 Front St Manchester, NH 0310
(603) 206-8142 Phone
(603) 206-8282 Fax

AFTER you have submitted all of the paperwork, it is your responsibility to schedule an appointment for your Accommodation Creation Meeting. You can do this through Maria Como in the Learning Commons (our administrative assistant), contacting Melissa Olson directly, or by using Navigate to schedule an appointment.  

Again, please submit ALL the necessary paperwork in advance, then make an appointment for at least a couple of days later to. This gives the Accessibility Coordinator the appropriate amount of time to read and review it in order to create a draft for the accommodation creating meeting. 

3) Create an Accommodation Plan…

When you meet with the Accessibility Coordinator you will engage in an interactive process together to create and finalize your MCC Accommodation Plan. 

4) Follow through….

After your plan is created, it is then your responsibility to deliver the plan to your instructor(s). Ideally, the beginning of the semester (or whenever your plan was created) is best. 

Be sure to seek out tutoring for content help or help with time management and organization. MCC’s Student Support Counselor if needed. Throughout the semester, please communicate with the Accessibility Coordinator to ensure your success at Manchester Community College. Each new semester, the plan must be “renewed” so it remains current. 

As always, if there are any questions please contact Melissa Olson at (603) 206-8142 or