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Peep Party

MCC Student Center 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

Gear up for Easter with candy at the Peep Party!

Wellness Day

Student Center 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

The Fitness Center and Health Fitness Professional students are teaming up to host a Wellness Day

Archaeology & Anthropology Expo

Manchester Community College MPR Manchester Community College, 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

Join us for the 5th Annual Archaeology & Anthropology Expo! The Social Science program and NH Archeology Society will host the 5th annual “Sifting Through Time: Archaeology & Anthropology Expo.” on Tuesday, April 8th from 11am to 2pm in the MPR. Professional anthropologists, archaeologists, and current MCC students will be holding table presentations and interactive activities. This event is […]

General Information Session

Office of Admissions 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

General information sessions are for anyone interested in learning more about attending MCC and are held every Tuesday promptly at 3pm in the Office of Admissions. To learn more, call (603) 206-8100 or email

Open House

Manchester Community College 1066 Front Street, Manchester, United States

Meet with an Admissions Counselor, take a campus tour, meet with faculty, register for classes, learn about financial aid, transfer options, and much more. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at or (603) 206-8100. We will also be having special Information Sessions during the Open House. If you need directions to campus, please see […]

Electrical Lineworker Information Session

Manchester Community College, Room TBD 1066 Front St., Manchester, NH, United States

Attend this Information Session to learn more about the Electrical Lineworker program at Manchester Community College! This Information Session takes place during MCC Open House and gives you the opportunity to ask questions about becoming a Lineworker and other aspects of an MCC education. Details about the session are available upon arrival at MCC.

Nursing Information Session – On Campus During Open House

Nursing Lab Room 321 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

This information session is in-person on the MCC campus during the open house. Information regarding pre-reqs, the admissions process, the entrance exam, academic requirements (nursing and general education), and competitive ranking is covered in detail during the session. Participants will receive the necessary paperwork to apply for admission and will have the opportunity to ask […]


MCC/SHP Build A Bed Day

Manchester Community College 1066 Front Street, Manchester, United States

Join us as we make a difference in the lives of local children at our annual MCC Build Day with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. No experience needed! Have some fun and feel good knowing that 24 local kids who are currently sleeping on the floor will soon have a new “bed of their own.” Other service activities include no-sew […]

General Information Session

Office of Admissions 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

General information sessions are for anyone interested in learning more about attending MCC and are held every Tuesday promptly at 3pm in the Office of Admissions. To learn more, call (603) 206-8100 or email

ARCH Bowl History Game

Manchester Community College MPR Manchester Community College, 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

ARCH Bowl History Game Coming to MCC Do you have a penchant for history? Do you enjoy trivia games? MCC will be hosting the second annual ARCH (American Revolution and Constitutional History) Bowl at MCC on Wednesday, April 16 (snow date is Thursday, April 17). This contest was made possible through a legacy grant by […]

General Information Session

Office of Admissions 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH, United States

General information sessions are for anyone interested in learning more about attending MCC and are held every Tuesday promptly at 3pm in the Office of Admissions. To learn more, call (603) 206-8100 or email